Most Summer Camp Attendees Doing A Fist Pump Simultaneously

The Internet


Wheatley Heights, New York, United States / July 31, 2012

Led by Adam Wanderman, a total of 243 people at a summer camp did a fist pump at once.

- must be performed at a summer camp
- all participants must perform the same fist pump motion simultaneously
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostwildcardpeoplefist pumpSummer Camp

  • United States Emily Patricia

    This is fantastic! What was everyone doing dressed up on solid colors? You guys look great! Any plans for other records soon?

    • The Internet Adam Wanderman

      We were playing a huge camp-wide event called "Color War" where we divide into four teams for a few days. Lots of fun, and the kids were thrilled to play! Not sure about other records, but you never know!

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