Record Broken!

See Current

Most Two-Handed High Fives Given In 10 Seconds While Wearing A Hat And Glasses

United States


New York City, New York, United States / January 31, 2014

As part of the kickoff for Paramore's "Ain't It Fun" world record video, Dan Parrott of Fueled By Ramen set a record for Most Two-Handed High Fives Given In 10 Seconds While Wearing A Hat And Glasses.

RecordSetter official Dan Rollman was present to officiate the attempt while Paramore and others from the label cheered Parrott on.

- must wear hat and glasses for duration of attempt
- may not two-hand high five anymore more than once
- all high fives must be completed within 10 seconds
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mosthatParamoreParamore-challengeglassesFueled by Ramendouble high five

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