Most Chemical Symbols In A Tweet

Most Chemical Symbols In A Tweet


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Goregaon Mumbai, Maharashtra , India / June 27, 2010

Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyayaposted a tweet containing 77 symbols from the Periodic Table Of Elements.

- symbols of chemical elements must be unique
- no repeated symbols were allowed


Tags: mostTwittertweetScience and Technologyelementssymbolsscientific

  • Australia Moses Brasher

    Doesn't appear as if Dinesh is coming back...

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Adam asks a fair question. Dinesh, is your submission beatable? In the spirit of competition, I lean toward allowing He to be counted as both hydrogen and helium.

  • Australia Moses Brasher

    If not, how is it beatable? There are only so many one-letter symbols.

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Dinesh wrote me this in response:

    Mr. Adam just doing manipulation with chemical element symbols

  • India Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya

    Mr. Adam just doing manipulation with chemical element symbols

  • Australia Moses Brasher

    Actually, look again at 11 of the first 12. For example, He contains both H (hydrogen) and He (helium).

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Dinesh did a recount on this record attempt, and emailed us a list.

    See the chemical list below. Changing Adam's attempt to FAILED, sorry Adam.

    1. He
    2. Be
    3. Co
    4. Na
    5. Os
    6. Fe
    7. Pb
    8. Sr
    9. Kr
    10. Yb
    11. V
    12. Ir
    13. Ce
    14. Pr
    15. Nd
    16. Pm
    17. Sm
    18. Eu
    19. Gd
    20. Dy
    21. Ho
    22. Er
    23. Tm
    24. Lu
    25. Th
    26. Pa
    27. U
    28. Np
    29. Pu
    30. Am
    31. Cm
    32. Bk
    33. Cf
    34. Fm
    35. Md
    36. No
    37. Lr
    38. Mg
    39. Al
    40. Si
    41. Cl
    42. Ar
    43. Cs
    44. Ba
    45. La
    46. Hf
    47. Ta
    48. Re
    49. Os
    50. Ir
    51. Pt
    52. Au
    53. Hg
    54. Tl
    55. Bi
    56. Po
    57. At
    58. Rn
    59. Sr
    60. Zr
    61. Nb
    62. Mo
    63. Tc
    64. Ru
    65. Rh
    66. Pd
    67. Ga
    68. Ge
    69. Cr
    70. Mn
    71. Zn
  • India Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya

    Being M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry, I always wanted to make any such record which relates Chemistry in any way. Thank god to Twitter

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