Record Broken!

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Most Squats With A 10-Foot Wooden Log

United States


Frenchburg, Kentucky, United States / August 25, 2012

Clint Poore completed eight squats while shouldering a 10-foot wooden log. He set the record during the New Hope Festival in Frenchburg, Kentucky.

NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

- must hold a 10-foot wooden log
- must hold weight on back without assistance
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostsportsexercisestrengthsquatwooden log

  • The Internet edcator

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  • United States Frou rpe

    In this blog you can read the most helpful world records with the size of foot wooden log. The college-paper review records you can easily receive with the following sentences.

  • United States Jason A Faulkner


  • United States Jenn Wark

    Wow! How much does that log weigh?

    • United States Clint Poore

      When this attempt was done it weighed 735 lbs! The empty log is 625 lbs, the black weights are 55lbs each for 110 lbs and a total LOG weight of 735 lbs!

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