Largest Toilet Paper Triangle

Largest Toilet Paper Triangle

The Internet

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Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, United States / September 9, 2010

Abdullah Alshakih created a toilet paper triangle using 144 rolls of toilet paper.

- each row must have fewer than or same number of rolls as the row beneath it


Tags: towertoilet paperdesignbiggest

  • Australia Peter Craig

    For consistency, this record should be retitled similarly to "Tallest Toilet Paper Roll Triangle" and be renamed "Tallest Toilet Paper Triangle". It also appears to be leaning on the wall behind... this should be noted in the criteria - criteria needs to be clear on volume (solid/hollow/flat) and shape (pyramid/triangle/tower) - lots of videos are available:

    Similar pyramid over 5 metres: A huge hollow pyramid: Solid pyramid still in packaging:

    And surely the ultimate winner goes to the amazing effort shown here (WOW!): The base alone has 33x33 rolls (1089) putting my estimate of a staggering total of about 12,500 rolls (WOW again!)

  • The Internet Abdullah Alshaikh

    The members who participated in this project were: 1. Bricek, Alexandra 2. LaChanda Davis 3. Ali Alsagoor 4. Minhui Cai 5. Solaiman Almositeer 6. Abdullah Alshaikh

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