Most 'Backseat Driver' Comments In 10 Seconds

United States


Orlando, Florida, United States / December 14, 2009

Jack Raleigh shouted 38 ‘backseat driver’ comments in a moving Ford Fusion in 10 seconds.

Raleigh set the record as part of Fusion 41, a URDB World Record Challenge created by the Ford Motor Company.

- car must be moving for duration of record
- person making comments can not be the driver
- each comment must somehow critical of the driver's abilities 
- no comments may be repeated, either verbatim or in spirit, ie. you can't say both "Turn left!" and "Make a left!" 
- every comment must be at least two words in length. 
- only comments completed within the 10 second time period are counted


Tags: speedcarcommentFordFusion 41complain

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