Most People Popping Bubble Wrap While Singing "I Had A Little Turtle"

United States


Littleton, Colorado, United States / May 14, 2014

Kade K. led 747 people in popping bubble wrap bubbles while singing I Had A Little Turtle. He set the record as a fulfillment of his campaign promise while running for student council president.

- participants must pop bubble wrap bubbles for at least three minutes
- participants must sing "I Had A Little Turtle"
- must provide video evidence


Tags: wildcardgrouppeoplekidssongsingingpoppingbubble wrapI Had A Little Turtle

  • United States Kade Kurowski

    yes i was elected president last May and knew a promise was a promise so i had to fulfill my campaign ideas

  • United States Jenn Wark

    The real question: are you now student council president, Kade? Because this has to be the best campaign promise I've ever heard!

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