Speech World Records

111 Records Found

01:36 United States

Most Adele Songs Named In 30 Seconds

Kavan Hinchey

Kavan H. named 30 Adele songs in 30 seconds.

00:17 Belgium

Most Adult Websites Named In 10 Seconds


VTKlustrum named 25 adult websites in 10 seconds.

00:41 Northern Ireland

Most Ariana Grande And Meghan Trainor Songs Named In 20 Seconds

Aisling moore

Aisling M. named 21 Ariana Grande and Meghan Trainor songs in 20 seconds.

00:27 United States

Most Arsenal FC Football Players Named in 30 Seconds

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. named 12 Arsenal FC football players in 30 seconds.

00:41 The Internet

Most Bob Dylan Albums Named In 30 Seconds

Corey Weisman

Corey named 27 Bob Dylan albums in 30 seconds.

02:36 Germany

Most Car Brand Logos Named By A Three-Year-Old


Sushanth named 80 car brand logos. He is three years old.

00:25 United States

Most Chocolate Bars Named In 15 Seconds

Erin Burdt

Erin B. named 40 chocolate bars in 15 seconds.

02:39 Canada

Most Consecutive Times Saying "Butt"

Smdmdm Kdmdmdmdm

Evan G. said "butt" 201 consecutive times.

04:24 United States

Most Consecutive Times Saying "God Bless America"

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. said "God Bless America" 483 consecutive times.

00:37 United States

Most Countries Mentioned In 30 Seconds

Doron T

Doron T. mentioned 65 countries in 30 seconds.

00:52 United States

Most Decals On A "Sport Utility Vehicle"

David Jellison Jr.

David Jellison Jr. has 16 decals on his sport utility vehicle. NOTE: This record features adult content.

00:31 United States

Most Disney Movies Named In 10 Seconds


Isabel named 26 Disney movies in 10 seconds.

01:36 Canada

Most Four-Letter Words Spoken In One Minute

bob jones

Rowan C. recited 106 four-letter words in one minute.

02:01 The Internet

Most Ice Cream Flavors Named In 30 Seconds While Standing At A Tire Shop

Melanie McGehee

Melanie M. named 19 ice cream flavors in 30 seconds while standing at a tire shop.

01:16 India

Most Languages Used To Introduce Oneself

Lakshya jaiswal

Lakshya J. introduced himself in 11 different languages, stating both his name and where he’s from.

02:15 India

Most National Flags Named By A Two-Year-Old

Sharan Janarthanan

Sharan Janarthanan's son, Dhev, named 91 national flags. He is two years old.

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